Results for: North Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Advocacy
  • North Vancouver, BC, Canada

  1. Empowers young leaders across Canada to revolutionize mental health. Trained youth form chapters at high schools, post-secondary campuses, and anywhere else that youth gather, and work to identify and break down barriers to positive mental health in their comm...
  2. Facilitates access to resources required to maintain and improve mental health and community integration, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness. Bridges is a skills-based, peer-led series of workshops for adults on mental health. Chronic D...
  3. Works to increase awareness of anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. Provides inform...
  4. A group of seven mental health and substance use organizations in BC working together to help people improve their health and well-being. Through the website at, they provide evidence-based information, self-management skills, systems navi...
  5. Provides free support services to families of those with mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, schizo-affective disorders, and borderline personality disorder, including suicide intervention. Services are offered on ...
  6. Provides community-based programs promoting resiliency, mental wellness, and recovery from mental illness for children, youth, adults, and seniors. Services include psychosocial rehabilitation, wellness and support groups, volunteer opportunities, business sup...